Old School Death Squads are funny


Idiot and Hyena start the morning with an argument about which character from Old School (movie from 2003) was the best. After some fierce debate, Idiot declares that Old Blue was the best. (Didn’t he die?) Hyena isn’t having it. Frank the Tank is the best. (I’m with Hyena on this one) They agree that if they were in the movie, those are the characters they would have played. (Why doesn’t anyone ever pick Mitch?)

Out of nowhere the topic changes to current events in the news. The Philippines just elected a new president who advocates for vigilantes and off-the-books killings by police. Naturally Idiot has to start spouting off about it…

Idiot: “Here come the Death Squads! HA! HA! HA! Philippines is screwed now!”

Normally this would just be regular annoying idiot-ranting like any other day of the week. Problem is this: Idiot’s teammate is a recent immigrant from the Philippines. I’m positive that she has family members currently living there. She’s sitting ten feet away when he’s saying this inconsiderate shit. I think, maybe he’ll let it go and move on to sports news or something… anything! But oh no… not today. Idiot read some political news and now he needs everyone to know how smart he is. He turns to his Filipino teammate and says: “So how about that new president? I hear he’s bringing back the Death Squads!


Maybe Idiot didn’t read past the first paragraph of the news story. Perhaps he would have read that the Philippines was ruled by a murderous dictator as recently as 1986. Or maybe he did know and just didn’t give a fuck. Either way – dick move.

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